unique service

Dental Implants

Support for prosthetic replacements in the event of loss of one or more teeth
They are implanted into the jaw bone
Made of titanium, a resistant material
They perform the function of the tooth root

What are dental implants?

Tooth loss can be caused by tooth decay or trauma, creating aesthetic and health problems. We offer a high quality service, guaranteeing attention to every detail. Your satisfaction is our priority. Missing teeth not only compromises appearance, but also causes problems with chewing, speaking and can lead to respiratory disorders. Dental implants in Albania are an excellent solution for improving oral health. In recent years, these systems have become very reliable and, if well maintained, can last up to ten years. A dental implant consists of a screw, fixed in the jaw bone, and a post that connects the screw to the denture.

When to get a dental implant?

Having a dental implant is recommended when one or more teeth are missing. For the loss of just one tooth, the implant avoids filing nearby teeth. If multiple teeth are missing, the implant can support a bridge, providing stability. In case of total tooth loss, a dental implant is the best solution. For a fixed solution, six to eight screws may be installed in the jaw to support a circular bridge. An alternative is the prosthesis, fixed to a bar connected to two, three or four implants, which offers more stability than a traditional prosthesis and can be removed for better cleaning. Over the next three to six months, the implant integrates with the surrounding bone. At every stage, we offer the best possible service, guaranteeing quality and care for your oral health.

Dental implants with little bone
It is possible to compensate for the lack of bone needed for a dental implant using several surgical methods. These include: Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR): This method involves the use of special membranes to stimulate the growth of new bone. Sinus Lift: This surgery adds bone in the maxillary sinus area to support the implant. Osteotomy techniques for implant installation: These methods involve preparing and shaping existing bone to facilitate implant placement. How long does a dental implant last? A dental implant can last many years, often even a lifetime, if maintained properly with good oral hygiene and regular visits to the dentist. What are the disadvantages of dental implants? High Cost: Dental implants can be expensive. Surgical interventions: The procedure requires one or more surgical interventions. Healing Time: Healing time can be long. Risk of complications: Such as infection, nerve damage, or problems with the integration of the implant with the bone. Maintenance: Require careful and regular maintenance. These procedures and considerations are critical to ensuring the success and longevity of dental implants.

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