unique service

Dental veneers

They prevent the patient from wearing braces. They allow shape, color and position to be corrected.
They cause less weakening of the tooth compared to the capsule
Very high aesthetics and naturalness compared to other techniques
It is a very quick treatment: the veneers are applied in just two sessions
Dental veneers offer long-lasting results

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Under what circumstances should you consider the option of porcelain dental veneers?

Ceramic veneers are a versatile solution for correcting various tooth defects. They can be used to correct the shape and position of teeth when they are rotated or out of shape, close diastemas (spaces between teeth), restore fractured crowns, correct bite and even restore lost enamel dental. If you are unhappy with the shape of your teeth or have any of the problems mentioned above, dental veneers could be the perfect solution for you.

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Veneers represent a long-lasting option, lasting even more than 10 years. However, to keep them intact over time, some precautions are necessary. High-quality materials and the dentist’s expertise are essential. Furthermore, the patient must diligently follow the maintenance instructions. Avoiding hard foods and harmful behaviors such as nail biting is advised. Brushing your teeth at least three times a day and having regular professional cleanings reduces plaque buildup. Avoiding smoking, foods and drinks that stain your teeth is also important.

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