unique service


orthodontics does not only have an aesthetic role
Enables facial balance and correct chewing.
Orthodontic therapy is not just a beautiful smile
Regular teeth allow for excellent cleaning

First preventive visit

Usually, malocclusions are hereditary. Therefore, early diagnosis is essential because it is very important to intervene as soon as possible to establish the right balance. The first visit to the dentist should be made at the age of seven. During the child’s school age, preventative action can be taken by straightening the teeth and correcting the development of the mandible and maxilla.

Removable and fixed appliances are used in orthodontic therapy. The choice between these depends on the diagnosis and the age of the patient. In children, malocclusions can be treated with both removable and fixed braces, while adults can only undergo treatment with fixed braces. The fixed appliance is installed in the mouth and remains fixed on the teeth until the end of the therapy, while the mobile appliance can be removed independently by the patient.

Mobile appliance: The mobile appliance is used in the treatment of children during the period of intensive growth, after which it is advisable to use the fixed one. The mobile appliance is worn in the mouth 14-16 hours a day, and is not efficient without good collaboration between the doctor and the patient.

Fixed Brace: The fixed brace is made up of brackets, wires and ligatures. The brackets are fixed to the external face of the teeth, the wires enter the central groove of the bracket and are held in place by ligatures. White fixed braces are well accepted by patients. The ligatures change and so the patient can choose ligatures of various colors with each change.

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