Transplantation of wounds and burns

It is impossible to remove the scar on the site, however it can be completely covered with follicle transplantation. The general approach to burn scars is the same as wound scars. The condition of the skin and circulation in that area are checked and the burn scars are treated by applying the necessary procedure. Removing burn and wound scars, which are found on the head, eyebrows, sideburns and beard and which can affect the person’s appearance, through hair transplant, will restore self-esteem and will not attract the attention of women. other people during one-on-one communications. How is transplantation performed for wound and burn scars? Similar to a hair transplant, healthy hair follicles are transferred to the problem area. One thing to pay attention to is the need to use a rejuvenation treatment such as stem cells, PRP, or organic hair injection to revitalize the area. After the procedure, you can get rid of this problem that affects your appearance with the FUE method used in hair transplant by dedicating just a few hours of your time. You have a comfortable operation process under local anesthesia and can return to your social life within a few days.

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